Engineered Diamonds - From Perth Lab Grown Diamonds Specialist


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Engineered Diamonds 101 - From Perth's Lab Grown Diamond Specialist

Diamonds. The very word conjures images of luxury, lasting love, and unparalleled quality. These precious stones have been at the heart of the jewellery industry for years, symbolising the finest things in life. 

Yet, the allure of traditional diamonds often overshadows their environmental and ethical costs. Conventional diamond mining deploys massive machinery, carving out gaping quarries that devastate local wildlife, disrupt river systems, and ruin our natural landscapes.

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But, nowadays, you don't need to purchase mined diamonds. Thanks to scientific innovation, you can now choose our Perth Lab Grown Diamonds. These engineered diamonds are identical to naturally mined diamonds. The only main difference is that they're ethically and environmentally safe and, as a bonus, more affordable. 

What Are Engineered Diamonds?

Engineered Diamonds, also known as man-made or lab-grown diamonds, are real diamonds grown in controlled lab environments. These diamonds are created using advanced technology that replicates the natural conditions under which diamonds develop in the Earth's mantle. 

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However, it's important to note that engineered diamonds aren't fake or synthetic. These diamonds are formed under the same natural conditions as natural diamonds. Therefore, they have the exact same chemical makeup, physical attributes, and crystalline structure.

Engineered vs. Mined Diamonds: What's the Difference?

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Now that you know a little about Engineered Diamonds, let's delve into how they stack up against mined diamonds.

1.    Formation Process

Mined diamonds are a product of Earth's natural geological processes. They form deep under the Earth's crust over billions of years before being excavated, cut, and polished to perfection. 

On the other hand, Engineered Diamonds are created in highly controlled lab environments. In our labs, we replicate the high-pressure and high-temperature conditions necessary for diamond formation.

2.    Timeline

While the natural formation of diamonds is a process that has taken billions of years, the timeline for crafting our Engineered Diamonds is astoundingly shorter—measured in just weeks to a few months. 

This dramatic acceleration is all thanks to significant advances in technology. These technological leaps have not only shortened the production time but have also done so without compromising on the quality or brilliance of a diamond. 

3.    Chemical and Physical Properties

Both natural and engineered diamonds share almost identical chemical and physical properties. However, one difference is the trace amounts of nitrogen found in natural diamonds, a feature absent in our lab-grown diamonds. It's important to note this doesn't affect the quality or visual appeal and can only be seen by a gemmologist using specialised equipment. 

When you opt for our Perth Lab Grown Diamonds, you're investing in a genuine diamond that has gone through a rigorous cutting and polishing process, just like its natural counterpart. 

Why Choose Engineered Diamonds

After exploring the differences between engineered and mined diamonds, it's time to focus on the benefits of choosing Engineered Diamonds. Let's explore why these lab-grown diamonds are gaining traction among buyers.


When it comes to making a smart financial choice without sacrificing quality, Engineered Diamonds clearly stand out. One of the most compelling reasons to opt for these lab-created diamonds is the significant cost savings. On average, you could save between 20-40% when you choose a lab-grown diamond over a natural one.

To put this into perspective, as of August 2023, on average, a lab-grown diamond was priced at $1,425 per carat. In contrast, a natural diamond would set you back around $5,185 per carat.

Source: QZ


When it comes to diamonds, we often hear about the "Four Cs": Cut, Colour, Clarity, and Carat weight. These aspects are critical in evaluating a diamond's worth and allure.

4Cs of Diamonds - The Definitive Guide | Diamond Chart

Good news—lab-grown diamonds aren't just a cost-effective choice; they also measure up excellently in quality. We can confidently say that many lab-grown diamonds are equal or even higher quality than their mined counterparts. All of our diamonds at Chatoyer Diamonds are perfectly curated and are all certified by either IGI or GIA. 

Environmental Impact

When it comes to diamonds, the sparkle shouldn't outshine the environmental cost. Traditional diamond mining has been detrimental to our planet. 

A study from the Imperial College in London shows that diamond mining activities have led to the rerouting of rivers and the construction of dams, wreaking havoc on fish and wildlife globally—from Canada to Brazil and even Australia.

However, as you can imagine, the environmental impact of lab-grown diamonds is significantly less destructive. We're talking about a controlled environment where diamonds are created without altering natural habitats or endangering species.

Ethical Production

The ethics of diamond production have been under scrutiny for decades, and rightly so. Issues like child labour and exploitation cast a dark shadow over traditional mining practices. These ethical issues have been an issue since colonial times in Africa and continue today.

However, when you choose an engineered diamond, you're not just making a statement of style but an ethical choice. With these diamonds, there are no dark histories of child labour or exploitation. You are completely bypassing the ethical problems often associated with traditional mining.


In summary, Engineered Diamonds offer a compelling array of benefits. From superior quality that meets or exceeds the "Four Cs" standards to a significant cost advantage, these diamonds present a smart and sensible choice. Additionally, the ethical and environmental advantages cannot be ignored; your purchase supports a more sustainable and humane approach to diamond production. 

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When you choose a Engineered or Lab Grown Diamond, you're not just selecting a stunning gem. You're also making an ethical and meaningful choice. Why not book a free consultation today? Let our expert guidance help you make a purchase you can truly feel good about.